Falcons ready to deal Vick if anyone still wants him

According to the Atlanta Constitution-Journal, the Falcons will be prepared this weekend for any discussions that involve their former quarterback Michael Vick, who is still serving out his sentance in Leavenworth, KS for his involvement in a major dog-fighting ring. It’s not known how many, if any, teams are actually interested in Vick, given the lack of a definitive stance one way or another from the league on a potential suspension.

The prohibitive favorite for a possible trade would be the Oakland Raiders, who have not publicly stated anything with regards to Vick, and have a history of taking on troubled players with legal issues. Owner Al Davis has never shied away from bringing players with freakish abilities to his squad, and Vick certainly has the talent to be a productive player, if he can stay out of any legal concerns.

It’s doubtful though, that any deal will take place during the draft this weekend, as teams will not want to sacrifice a draft pick this season in favor of bringing in Vick, as his future in the NFL is still very much in doubt. A trade will most likely take place once he is released later this summer and the commisioner has ruled on any potential suspension.

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  • http://nflnews marcus gibbons

    mike vick should be given a 2nd chance, i just have 1 question, where are all the protesters against the priest that keep molesting these young boys? why no marches and posters? is it because they are white or do you all just care about dogs? or is it just that there are no million dollar black pro ball player doing it. i bet if there was 1 black ball player accused of molesting/raping little boys, all of you would be there.

  • Chris Kolb

    Marcus… that’s a great point. I’m all in favor of letting Vick back in the league once he’s out of jail. He’s paid back his debt to society and now he should be free to do whatever he can to make a better life for himself. He’s always had talent and the NFL should let him work hard for a team to rehab his image instead of punishing him even more. Thanks for the comment!

  • Nicole W

    VICKTORY to the Underdog

    “Vicktory To The Underdog” takes an in depth look at world renowned tattoo artist “Brandon Bond” and his dog rescue efforts – particularly rescuing the infamous Michael Vick fighting dogs.
    Rather than focusing on the dog fighting problem, the movie sheds light on solutions leading to “Vicktory” for all the underdogs in the movie – tattoo people, pitbulls, parolees and all the other people in this world that society has turned their back on through ignorance and racism.
    The movie also examines the life of Brandon Bond and his struggle with balancing fame, fortune and the Rock-N-Roll tattoo lifestyle with a more fulfilling life that focuses on the betterment of both animals and society as a whole.
    Featuring celebrities like Debbie and Danny Trejo, Michael Berryman, Pixie Acia and Donal Logue, the movie takes you on an incredible journey you will never forget!

    Proceeds for this film will be going to Villa Lobos Pitbull Rescue. http://www.vrcpitbull.com

    Preview can be found here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjostWvg9tU

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