Tiki Barber dumps pregnant wife for NBC intern

Written by Chris Kolb

Topics: NFL News

We usually do our best to stay away from the gossip side of the league, especially when it involves former NFL players, but in this case we simply can’t ignore the disgusting decision by former New York Giants running back Tiki Barber to leave his wife of 11 years for a 23 year old intern.

Barber’s wife, Ginny, is eight months pregnant with twins, and reportedly found out about his philandering ways last year. The revelation comes as a shock to many within Barber’s circle and outside of it, given the public statements he made in the past deriding his father’s decision to leave his mother early in his childhood.

The other woman in the picture is Traci Lynn Johnson, a former NBC intern who has been photographed numerous times with Barber in recent weeks. The two have not publicly announced their relationship, but Barber has made his split with his wife official with a short statement yesterday.

“After 11 years of marriage, Ginny and I have decided to separate. This decision was a painful one, but we are moving forward amicably and will continue to work together to raise our children with the love and dedication they have always known.”

– Former Giants running back, Tiki Barber

Obviously, Barber is capable of making his own decisions in life, and all the details surrounding the disintegration of his marriage are not in the public domain. But the fact still remains that he is choosing to leave his wife at a very poor time, given her advanced state of pregnancy, and will likely suffer a fairly significant PR hit as a result in the future.

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