Despite a long winning streak and a dominant performance last week in Denver to take control of the division, the Chargers are looking at a potential local area blackout for their game against the visiting Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.

According to San Diego Union-Tribune beat writer Kevin Acee, the Chargers still have about 3,500 tickets remaining for the contest, and while the league is likely to grant an extension, it may be difficult to sell that amount off in time to prevent the blackout. The local braodcasting station with rights to the game may end up purchasing a large number of the tickets if it will keep the blackout from occurring, but San Diego’s sales department will have to do their part as well to keep the Chargers on TV this weekend.

All of this is in spite of the Chargers plan to honor the top 50 players and coaches in team history, which normally would bring in a significant number of sales. The lag may have something to do with who San Diego is playing, but the economy and holiday season will also play their part in keeping sales down for many teams this year.

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