Packers, Broncos looking at Holliday
Posted by Chris KolbMar 4
Vonnie Holliday is an angry man these days. Angry at the Dolphins for cutting him loose and angry at the league for not being loyal to its players anymore.
He may want to rethink those thoughts if things continue to work the way their headed right now.
After Miami let Holliday walk last week, the defensive end found himself to be in high demand, in spite of his age, which was part of the reason that the Dolphins gave him when they set him free. While that demand won’t translate into a major contract offer, Holliday could receive a favorable deal from a team in need of a quality 3-4 defensive end.
Both Denver and Green Bay have pushed to bring the veteran in for a visit, according to Tim Graham (ESPN), and it’s likely that Holliday could decide very soon where he would like to finish up his career.
Obviously, loyalty is something he’d like to see from whichever organization he chooses, but at this point, Holliday would be wise to get as much money as he can and worry about his affinity for a certain team later on down the line.

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